Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 2

I am giving this thing another shot. I know that my pictures are GI-NORMOUS, but it is either huge or nothing. Maggie texted me about how to change it, but obviously, I did not get it. I will work on that.

Anyway, Chad is coming home tonight! Yeah!!!! He has only been gone a week so that is not too bad. Colby has baseball practice tonight. He is loving playing ball with his friends and cousins. I can't believe in just a few weeks he will be starting the big K at New Deal. I dare not mention the word because it make me want to throw up. How can my little baby be old enough to start school? I am going to miss him terribly when he is not at home. He is my little buddy and the best big brother, EVER. It makes me physically ill to think of him being gone that long every day. Please start praying for me. Colby will be fine. I am the basket case. Maddy is taking a quick power nap. She doesn't normally have naps this late, but it was either put her in the crib or put me in it. I didn't want the furniture to break so I decided she should lay down. She is a sweet, daring, energetic little pistol who knows what buttons to push. She looks like her daddy and acts like me--poor thing! HA! Next time I post, I hope that there is something really good to talk about and not just ramble on about nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited you have a blog! I remember telling Maggie you needed to be on Facebook! I'm glad we will be able to keep up w/ each other this way!
